Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD Terms & Conditions
No persons under the age of 18 years old are permitted to attend any of Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD events unless other wise stated. We may ask to see identification if we believe you are under 18.
All teen events are for ages 13 to 17. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. You as the adult are responsible for your child throughout the event. We will not use Ouija boards or human pendulum on under 18 events. A photo consent form will be given out at the beginning of the night to be signed by the responsible adult.
Due to the age and structure of some of our locations they may not be suitable to guests with disabilities, we will make every effort to book locations to accommodate. If you would like additional information, please contact use via email at info@darkshadowsparanormaluk.com. Any event that is wheelchair friendly will be advertised on the event description. On booking, please inform us of any physical disabilities so we can make necessary adjustments.
Unfortunately, pregnant women are not permitted due to the nature of our events and your safety and well-being is of upmost important to us. We want our guests to enjoy all of our events and to feel safe.
The use of drones or motorised vehicle i.e. remote control cars are not permitted on any Dark Shadow Paranormal UK LTD events unless prior permission is given by us. Please contact us at info@darkshadowsparanormaluk.com for any further assistance. We will ask all guests who bring such items to an event to leave in their vehicle, this will be left at their own risk. If you are caught with such items without prior consent and refuse to leave in vehicle we will refuse you entry to the event. No refunds will be given.
All guests are responsible for their own behaviour at our events. By attending a Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD event you agree to withhold the integrity of a paranormal investigation and agree to never knowingly be involved with misleading or dishonest activity. We will not tolerate any behaviours that may have a negative effect on the guests and event, nor will we tolerate abusive/aggressive behaviour towards guests or staff members. Any person who displays such behaviours will be asked to leave the event immediately. Police may be called to assist.
We have a zero tolerance to alcohol and drugs. If you are found to be under the influence or have anything on your person you will be asked to leave, and the police will be informed.
As per laws set out in 2007 smoking is strictly prohibited indoors and Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD will not allow anyone to smoke indoors. No naked flames will be used during the events by ourselves or guests. We as a company do not use candles during vigils due to potential hazards. Breaks will be available throughout the night at which you will be able to smoke/vape. Each venue will have a designated smoking area to which you will receive this information on the night.
Photographs, filming, and audio footage may be taken throughout our events subject to the venue’s terms and conditions. We as a company must obey these rules during our event. Any footage caught is deemed to be for personal use only and not for public view and ownership of this footage either audio or visual belongs solely with Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD. All footage taken may be used for marketing on our website and social media platforms. Please contact us if you have any concerns or wish not to be included in any of this activity. You as guests are permitted to use cameras, filming, and audio recording on our events. Some venues may request us not to do this. We will advise of this on booking and will be advertised on our website if you are caught taking any footage you will be asked to remove these from your device if you are to continue doing so, we will ask you to leave the event. Before beginning any recordings, you must advise anybody being recorded so that they are aware and have the choice not to be included.
We will not be liable for any damage or costs relating to clothing, vehicles, or parking fines. You are solely responsible for all your belongings, and you should ensure all said articles are safe whilst attending our events. We will make every attempt to eliminate any potential issues or hazards in advance. However, incidents can still happen due to the nature of our event and locations. Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD will accept no liability of any accidents or injuries however it may be caused. This includes any damage that may be caused by any spiritual or poltergeist activity during the event. Each venue is assessed before events and have relevant risk assessments. As some of our locations are older buildings there maybe uneven surfaces whilst moving around the building, please take extra care. Some venues will be dark or poorly lit whilst moving around we ask you bring a torch with you if you do not have a torch Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD will have spares available. All guests attend at your own risk.
Although we research into the venues we book and have reports of paranormal activity. We cannot guarantee activity on the night.
All deposits are Non-Refundable or transferable. Final balance is due no later than 2 weeks before the event date. If the final balance is not received on time, you will lose the deposit and place on the event. Invoices will be sent to the email address provided at time of booking the Sunday before the final balance is due. If you wish to pay sooner please contact us. If you are unable to pay by the due date please contact us to arrange alternative date.
If final balance is not received we may resell your tickets for the final balance price.
Sale Price - if deposit option is available and selected please be aware remaining balance will return to original price after the sale has ended. The sale can be withdrawn at any time.
Any information received from you or requested by Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD in relation to names, addresses, contact information is sensitive and will not be used for any purposes other than to be incorporated into our database for Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD as per data protection laws.
We do not send papered tickets. you will receive a confirmation email at time of booking and an event detail email 24-48 hours before the event.
It may be possible to send posted tickets however this will incur a £2 ticket and postage fee. If it is for a special occasion or gift we can do themed tickets.
There are occasions when events are cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD. If your booked events are cancelled by us and no future date is available, then you will be given a full refund of monies paid for the said event. However, in circumstances where the event is rescheduled and you are unable to attend, you will be offered a credit note to the value of the booked event which will be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue. If the value of the event you wish to use the credit note against is higher than the value of the credit note you will have to pay the outstanding amount 2 weeks before the event date. We will contact every client of a cancelled event as soon as possible. Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD will not be liable for any expenses incurred due to the cancellation of an event. Due to the lateness of the event, you will ensure that you respect the nearby residents by leaving quickly and quietly. As the event finishes in the early hours, we suggest you make reservations at nearby hotels/B&B. Only drive home if you feel safe to do so. Please do not drive tired.
It is your responsibility at the time of booking to ensure that you are able to make the event date as Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD cannot offer a refund or transfer your places if you are unable to attend. Our locations are paid in advance and we are liable for these costs even if you cannot make the event. All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. If the ticket price has been paid in full your tickets can be transferred to a third party and where applicable you can advertise your tickets for sale on our Facebook Page. However, these tickets cannot be sold on any other advertising site due to the terms and conditions associated with them. You can find this page here. Please note that Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD accept no liability for any third party transactions made via this method nor will Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD enter into any correspondence to help with this transaction. Once completed please inform us at info@darkshadowsparanormaluk.com with the contact name, email and contact number of the person who will be attending of we do not receive the above information we may refuse entry at the door.
We may be able to transfer you to a future date however we would require at least one months notice. We can only transfer if we have availability for the event you wish to transfer to (not including waiting list). If the new event is a different value you are required to pay the difference at time of transfer. Deposits are non transferable we will only transfer full paid tickets. We will send an invoice to reflect any price difference for the new event. Invoice will be due 3 days after the transfer due to us removing tickets from sale. If the value of your new event is less than your original order we will issue a credit note for the difference minus the admin fee, this will be valid for 12 months. Transfer to another date may occur and admin fee from £10.
Reselling of tickets may incur an admin fee of 10% of total price.
It is your responsibility at the time of booking to ensure that all contact information is correct. If any contact information changes please inform us by emailing info@darkshadowsparanormaluk.com with correct details and booking reference number. The contact information provided will be used in future communications regarding your booked event. Booking confirmation, invoices and event detail emails will be sent to the address provided. We will not offer refunds if you miss the event or any payment deadlines due to not providing correct contact information.
All venues are booked prior to advertisement and release of tickets. We can provide venue booking details upon request. Due to data protection and sensitivity of documents not all confirmations can be supplied. In this circumstance we can provide you with contact information of the venue.
These terms and conditions are non-negotiable and your booking of an event demonstrates their acceptance by you, the client. These conditions and any contract into which they are incorporated shall be subject to English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.
By booking with Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD you agree with the terms and conditions set.
No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent from Dark Shadows Paranormal UK LTD.